1st. Grade


Welcome to 1st. Grade

School Year 2024-2025
1-201 Ms. Glavan NSimone@schools.nyc.gov
1-202 Ms. Gibbs CGibbs8@schools.nyc.gov
1-207 Rollo ARollo@schools.nyc.gov
1-207 Gleeson rgleeson@schools.nyc.gov
1-103 Montgomery gmontgomery@schools.nyc.gov
1-208 Perez Jperez125@schools.nyc.gov
K/1-104 Ms. Garcia ggarcia25@schools.nyc.gov


School Supplies

1st. Grade School Supplies



Reading and Writing

This month, we are continuing Module 4 and working to answer the question: “Why is it important to do my best and get along with others?” We are reading books about sportsmanship, and writing a “How To..” book on how to make a new friend!


This month, we will be completing Module 5 and 6. In these modules, we will work on using different strategies to add and subtract three numbers at a time! We will also continue working on writing “math stories” to place intention behind our learning.

Social Studies

In Science, we will begin a new and exciting unit on light and sound! We are looking forward to upcoming experiments and projects.


In Social Studies, we will begin wrapping up our unit on communities, school, and family values.



School Calendar

School Food



January 2025

Important Dates

NO SCHOOL: Jan. 20 –MLK DayN

NO SCHOOL: Jan. 29 –Lunar New Year


Please ensure that allstudents have their nameson their belongings,including jackets, hats,gloves, etc.

School Calendar