Mission & Vision


Mission and Vision Statement

PS92Q Mission Statement 2021-22 School Year

To prepare ALL students to live in, contribute to a 21st Century world, and engage in active learning, PS92Q provides a balanced school curriculum designed to meet the academic, cultural, and social needs of individuals from diverse backgrounds in our community.

PS92Q will accomplish this by utilizing varied data sources that will identify student needs individually and within groups. We will increase student levels of performance by strengthening core instruction and by incorporating research based practices and Explicit Instruction with Social Emotional Learning.

2021-22 ILF Priority: Strengthen Core Instruction

This Instructional Priority Area aims to strengthen day-to-day instructional practices that are at the center of supporting students to become skilled readers, writers, and thinkers. Students spend nearly 20 hours weekly engaged with the instructional core. For this reason, this is where we stand to have the greatest impact on student learning. At PS92Q, all classrooms will use the following research based programs with fidelity:

Reading, Writing, Vocabulary: HMH Into Reading
Foundational Skills: Heggerty, Fundations, Recipe for Reading
Math: Envisions
Social Studies: Passport Science: Amplify




School Calendar

School Food


Testing Dates